Lifelogger - Lifelogging device

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What are the requirements for a lifelogger? At least not many web technology tool and a few gadgets have also been made to lifelogging. For example, a sleep monitoring device called Zeo sleep can record the activity in detail, recording the brain signals and able to make a diagram and pattern of sleep quality. Want to buy? The price is U.S. $ 399. In addition, there Bodybugg, which is a calorie consumption calculating system placed on the wrist. If you would like a price of U.S. $ 199.

There is also a digital pen that can change the brief notes into an image file, and can also record conversations, meetings, and other events. His name LiveScribe, worth about U.S. $ 149-199. Well, what about the documents a hard copy? You can just use the ScanSnap Scanners for U.S. $ 300-500 to change the physical documents or records to digital files plus a text identifier device that can be used to search quickly. However, is there a tool that can record what we read and see? Fortunately, there is Evernote that allows you to record what you see and read into a digital format. "We want to create a permanent repository of your memories," said Evernote CEO Phil Libin.

In many ways, this electronic memory may provide some benefits for the lifelogger in terms of legal aspects, such as in cases of sexual abuse or divorce cases. Thus, the digital memory device can complete the legal data input against a witness in legal reproduction of recorded conversations through e-mail, and other meetings. Yes, at least the data can be used to support court cases are conducted as a trial attorney Watergate case, President Richard Nixon. But, of course personally monitor the lives of people can destroy a person's privacy. This trial could spark privacy cases.

And, finally lifelogging also touched the government. In particular, the application of income tax and other legal aspects, the authorities can look at the activities of a corporate lifelogging. Or, if a corporate request for bankruptcy law protection, the law can lifelogging investigate the activities of the company officials. In fact, the Pentagon also was trying to use such data to memprofil its employees and agents. The same research also is being applied in several technology companies like IBM.

Well, then later when lifelogging become a practice everywhere, dozens of legal and cultural issues will rise to the surface, such as:

* Which part of your life that can be seen privacy?
* Does seeing an event through different camera via memory recall in your brain?
* Government Legalkah see lifelog you?
* Does the recorded lifelog is fair to the legal case?
* Can I cancel the conversations I've done to you?
* What is a lie if one word is different from what is in the electronic record?
* How accurate our biological memory?
* Can you do lifelog friend or your child "without permission"?

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